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Six Benefits of Working with a Truck Accident Attorney

Unlike car accidents, truck accidents are usually much more serious. Also, pursuing compensation for injuries sustained in a truck accident is more complicated. That is why you must work with a Portland auto accident attorney if you have been injured in a truck accident.  There are a lot of reasons you can benefit from working with an attorney:

Determining Fault 

Determining fault or liability in a truck accident is challenging because of the number of possible parties involved. Usually, you can hold the truck driver, trucking company, truck manufacturer, truck contractor, and insurance company liable for your injuries. A skilled lawyer can determine what caused the accident and identify the parties you can hold liable for your damages. 

Collecting Evidence

Attorneys who specialize in truck accidents are familiar with discovery rules and use them for preserving and uncovering evidence. They can carry out a thorough investigation into the accident’s cause as well as request documents and reports that can help explain how the collision took place and why a certain party must be responsible. 

Picking the Right Legal Strategy

A seasoned truck accident attorney can examine your case to figure out the best legal strategy to use. They can explore all options and recommend the most suitable approach, so you can get a favorable result from your case. These options include filing an insurance claim, taking your case to trial, negotiating a fair settlement with the insurance company, or arbitrating your case. 

Negotiating with Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters use different tactics to try to reduce the payout on injury claims or deny claims altogether. These tactics may include getting a recorded statement from you to get you to say something that can be used against you or denying your claim after you slightly delayed submission of certain documents. A skilled attorney knows how to negotiate with insurance adjusters, making counteroffers until a settlement agreement is reached. Should negotiations fail, your attorney can take your case to court. 

Ensuring Rules and Regulations Apply

A truck accident lawyer works on your type of case regularly. They know the different state and federal rules and regulations that govern the trucking industry. Their knowledge of the law helps them establish a claim on why a certain part should be liable for our damages. 

Givin Legal Guidance

Your attorney can give you effective legal guidance at every stage of the claims process. Usually, truck accident cases involve some complexities and your attorney can help you understand these while your case advances. They will keep your rights protected and make sure legal procedures are followed. 

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